Rates and reasons for blood donor deferral, Shiraz, Iran

Aetrospective study


  • Iran Leila Kasraian High Institute for Transfusion Research and Education
  • Neda Negarestani Iranian Blood Transfusion Research Center


Blood donors, Blood safety, Donor selection, Blood supply [subheading], Blood transfusion


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Knowledge of the reasons for donor deferral can help in planning more ef-ficient recruitment strategies and evaluating donor selection criteria. This study aimed to investigate the rates and reasons for donor deferral. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective study at Shiraz Blood Transfusion Center, Shiraz, Iran. METHODS: 141,820 volunteers were interviewed confidentially by physicians before blood donation. The rate of and reasons for donor deferral were investigated according to demographic characteristics. The data were analyzed using the comparison-of-proportions test of the MedCalc statistical software. RESULTS: 43,839 people (30.9%) who had come for blood donation were deferred, 1,973 (4.5%) of them permanently. The deferral rate was significantly higher among women, single individuals and first-time do-nors, compared with men, married individuals and those with a history of previous donation (P < 0.0001). The deferral rate was significantly higher in the 17 to 30-year-old group (P < 0.05). The reasons for deferral were divided into five categories: risk factors possibly related to HIV or hepatitis (43.6%), underlying dis-eases (31.9%), non-eligible conditions (13.5%), medications that interfere with blood donation (7.8%) and risk factors that may relate to bacterial or viral infections except HIV and hepatitis infections (3.2%). CONCLUSION: Effective measures are required for documenting the impact of deferral on blood availabili-ty, monitoring the effectiveness of and need for deferral, and determining the reasons and rates of deferral.


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Author Biographies

Iran Leila Kasraian, High Institute for Transfusion Research and Education

MD, MSc. Associate Professor and Manager of Fars Research Department Center, Blood Transfusion Research Center, High Institute for Transfusion Research and Education, Shiraz, Iran.

Neda Negarestani, Iranian Blood Transfusion Research Center

MD, MSc. Assistant Professor and Manager of Shiraz Consultation Center, Iranian Blood Transfusion Research Center, Shiraz, Iran.


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How to Cite

Kasraian IL, Negarestani N. Rates and reasons for blood donor deferral, Shiraz, Iran: Aetrospective study. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];133(1):36-42. Available from: https://periodicosapm.emnuvens.com.br/spmj/article/view/1025



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