Two innovative Brazilian programs relating to road safety prevention. A case study
Noncommunicable disease, Alcohol drinking, Public-private sector partnershipsAbstract
BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) 2017 Global Conference in Montevideo, Uruguay, was dedicated to promoting successful cases and best practices in fighting and preventing noncommunicable disease (NCDs). The global effort undertaken by WHO aims to reduce road traffic deaths in order to meet goal number 3.4 of the sustainable development goals. OBJECTIVES: To describe two Brazilian road safety prevention programs, presented at the WHO 2017 Global Conference: São Paulo Traffic Safety Movement (Movimento Paulista de Segurança no Trânsito) and Safe Life Program of Brasília (Programa Brasília Vida Segura), along with their governance structures, models and results. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a descriptive case study conducted in São Paulo and Brasilia from 2015 to 2018. These programs aimed to reduce the number of deaths caused by road accidents to 8.3 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in São Paulo by 2020 and in Brasília by 2016; and to reduce harmful use of alcohol by 10% by 2020. METHODS: These two initiatives were designed, managed and operated to bring together government and civil society, i.e. industry, academia, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), etc., around the common goal of saving lives. They were collaborative and guided by sharing of best practices, learning and information, thereby making it possible to attain more and better results. Their format enables reproduction in cities across all Brazilian regions. RESULTS: The results attest to the efficacy of the programs implemented in these two cities. In Brasília, the initiative helped reduce the number of traffic-related deaths by 35% (2017). In the same year in the state of São Paulo, 7,600 deaths were avoided. CONCLUSION: Both programs are innovative public policies that deal with health issues caused by the external agents that ultimately account for the rapid increase in days lost to disability. Prevention of external causes of deaths and injuries, such as traffic violence, strongly correlates with changes in habits and actions, especially excessive consumption of alcohol, and with NCDs in Brazil.
WHO | Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020: saving millions of lives [Internet]. [cited 30 April 2018]. Available from: Available from: Accessed in 2018 (Dec 6).
WHO | Global Conference on Noncommunicable Diseases: Enhancing polices coherence between different spheres of policy making that have a bearing on attaining SDG target 3.4 NCDs by 2030. Available at: Available at: Accessed in 2018 (Dec 6).
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