Clinical profile, common thrombophilia markers and risk factors in 85 young Indian patients with arterial thrombosis


  • Mahendra Narain Mishra Indian Naval Hospital Ship Asvini
  • Ravi Kalra Indian Naval Hospital Ship Asvini
  • Shalesh Rohatgi Indian Naval Hospital Ship Asvini


Thrombophilia, Myocardial infarction, Stroke, Fibrinogen, Lipoprotein(a)


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Arterial thrombosis may occur consequent to hereditary thrombophilia and increased lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] and fibrinogen. Our aim was to study the prevalence of common thrombophilia markers in 85 consecutive cases of arterial thrombosis. DESIGN AND SETTING: A retrospective study was conducted from 85 consecutive young patients treated as outpatients or admitted due to stroke or myocardial infarction at a tertiary care hospital. METHODS: Eighty-five Indian patients (age < 45 years) presenting ischemic stroke (n = 48) or myocardial infarction (n = 37) and 50 controls were studied for seven thrombophilia markers including antithrombin (AT), factor V, protein C, protein S, activated protein C resistance (APC-R), fibrinogen and Lp(a). Functional assays for protein C, protein S, factor V and APC-R were performed using clotting-based methods. Semiquantitative estimation of fibrinogen was done using Clauss’s method and Lp(a) using immunoturbidimetry. Statistical analysis was done using the Epi Info 6 software. RESULTS: Thirty-three samples (38.8%) tested positive for one or more thrombophilia markers. The three commonest abnormalities were elevated Lp(a) (20%), fibrinogen (17.6%) and low APC-R (14.2%). Low levels of protein C, protein S and AT were present in 4.7, 9.4 and 7% of the patients, respectively. Overall, the risk factor profile was: smoking (33%), positive family history (15.3%), hyperlipidemia (7%), hypertension, diabetes mellitus and obesity (2.3% each). CONCLUSIONS: An association was found between low levels of protein C, protein S and AT and arterial thrombosis, but only elevated fibrinogen levels, smoking, positive family history and hyperlipidemia showed statistical significance.


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Author Biographies

Mahendra Narain Mishra, Indian Naval Hospital Ship Asvini

MD. Specialist in Pathology and Immunopathology, Department of Pathology, Dr. Lal Path Labs Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, India.

Ravi Kalra, Indian Naval Hospital Ship Asvini

MD, PhD. Department of Cardiology, Indian Naval Hospital Ship Asvini, Colaba, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Shalesh Rohatgi, Indian Naval Hospital Ship Asvini

MD, PhD. Department of Neurology, Command Hospital (WC), Chandimandir, Haryana, India.


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How to Cite

Mishra MN, Kalra R, Rohatgi S. Clinical profile, common thrombophilia markers and risk factors in 85 young Indian patients with arterial thrombosis. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 2013 Nov. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];131(6):384-8. Available from:



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