Renal artery pseudoaneurysm after blunt renal trauma
report on three cases and review of the literature
Hematuria, Renal artery, Wounds, nonpenetrating, Aneurysm, Embolization, therapeuticAbstract
CONTEXT: Renal artery pseudoaneurysm is a rare complication after renal injury but should be suspected whenever there is recurrent hematuria after renal trauma. CASE REPORTS: We present three cases of pseudoaneurysm after blunt renal trauma and a review of the literature. All patients underwent renal angiography. Two cases were diagnosed during the initial hospital stay due to hematuria, or in the follow-up period during recovery. One patient was temodynamically unstable. Two patients successfully underwent coil embolization in a single session. In the other case, selective embolization was attempted, but was unsuccessful because artery catheterization was impossible. Procedural and medical success and complications were retrospectively assessed from the patients’ records. The clinical presentation, treatment options and clinical decisions are discussed. CONCLUSIONS: Renal artery pseudoaneurysm may develop acutely or even years after the initial injury. Signs and symptoms may have a wide spectrum of presentation. Selective angiographic embolization is an effective treatment that reduces the extent of parenchymal infarction.
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