Scrotal hematoma as a sign of adrenal hemorrhage in newborns
Hemorrhage, Hematocele, Adrenal glands, Adrenal gland diseases, ScrotumAbstract
CONTEXT: Bluish discoloration and swelling of the scrotum in newborns can arise from a number of diseases, including torsion of the testes, orchitis, scrotal or testicular edema, hydrocele, inguinal hernia, meconium peritonitis, hematocele, testicular tumor and traumatic hematoma. Forty-two cases of scrotal abnormalities as signs of neonatal adrenal hemorrhage were found in the literature. CASE REPORT: We present a case of scrotal hematoma due to adrenal hemorrhage in a newborn. Conservative treatment with clinical follow-up was adopted, with complete resolution within 10 days. The possible differential diagnoses are reviewed and discussed.
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