Renal failure due to primary amyloidosis

a case report and literature review


  • Ramon Andrade Bezerra de Mello Internal Medicine Department of Hospital São João
  • Dania Sofia Neiva Marques Santos Internal Medicine Department of São João Hospital
  • Margarida Paula Rebelo Nunes Freitas-Silva Internal Medicine Department of São João Hospital
  • Joaquim Aguiar Andrade Internal Medicine Department of São João Hospital


Amyloidosis, Amyloid, Kidney failure, Nephrotic syndrome, Congo red


CONTEXT: Primary amyloidosis, also known as AL amyloidosis, is commonly caused by clonal expansion of plasma cells in the bone marrow, thereby segregating light chains of clonal immunoglobulin that settle in tissues in the form of insoluble amyloid fibrils. The aim of this study was to report a case of primary amyloidosis with renal failure, diagnosed in Hospital São João, Porto, Portugal, focusing on the diagnostic difficulties and presenting a literature review. CASE REPORT: A 68-year-old Caucasian man was admitted to the Internal Medicine Department of the hospital with a condition of anasarca and nephrotic syndrome. After performing a renal biopsy that tested positive using Congo red and immunohistochemistry, lambda light chain amyloidosis was diagnosed. This evolved into terminal renal disease, which led to hemodialysis and several episodes of urinary and catheter infections. He was started on chemotherapy, consisting of bortezomib 0.7 mg/m2 and dexamethasone 40 mg in six cycles. This led to clinical improvement, stabilization of the illness and good tolerance of the treatment. CONCLUSION: Amyloidosis is a rare entity that is difficult to diagnose. This is because of the unspecific early clinical manifestations of the disease. The hypothesis of amyloidosis is only considered when specific organ failure occurs. This case consisted of primary amyloidosis with involvement of the kidneys as an initial presentation of the disease and its difficulties were shown, going from the clinical approach to the final diagnosis.


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Author Biographies

Ramon Andrade Bezerra de Mello, Internal Medicine Department of Hospital São João

MD. Doctoral student of Medicine and Molecular Oncology, School of Medicine, University of Porto, and Resident of Medical Oncology, “Francisco Gentil” Portuguese Institute of Oncology, Porto, Portugal.

Dania Sofia Neiva Marques Santos, Internal Medicine Department of São João Hospital

MD. Master’s degree student of Clinical Oncology, Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, in association with Thomas Jefferson University, United States.

Margarida Paula Rebelo Nunes Freitas-Silva, Internal Medicine Department of São João Hospital

MD, MSc. Assistant professor, Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Porto, and Specialist in Internal Medicine, Hospital São João, Porto, Portugal.

Joaquim Aguiar Andrade, Internal Medicine Department of São João Hospital

MD. Specialist in Clinical Hematology, Hospital São João, Porto, Portugal.


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How to Cite

Mello RAB de, Santos DSNM, Freitas-Silva MPRN, Andrade JA. Renal failure due to primary amyloidosis: a case report and literature review. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 2011 May 5 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];129(3):176-80. Available from:



Case Report