Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)
prognostic factors and survival analysis
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Philadelphia Chromosome, PrognosisAbstract
The prognostic value of different factors upon diagnosis of CML was analysed in 45 Philadelphia (Ph1)-positive patients. The median survival was 48 months. Univariate analysis showed 5 poor prognostic factors (male sex, under 45 years-old, bone marrow blasts greater than or equal to 10 percent, blood basophils greater than or equal to 6 percent and blood eosinophils greater than or equal to 6 percent) which provided for the development of a clinical staging system: Stage I with none or one factor and a two-year survival rate of 100 percent; Stage II with two or three factors and two-year survival of 72.2 percent; and Stage III with four or five factors and two-year survival of 0 percent (p = 0.00016). Multivariate survival analysis showed that combination of blood basophilia and bone marrow blasts had the strongest predictive relationship to survival time. We conclude that a combination of pretreatment factors identifies different risk subcategories in CML patients and is helpful in assessing the overall prognosis and the treatment approach.
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