Delimitation of homogeneous regions in the UNIFESP/EPM healthcare center coverage area based on sociodemographic indicators


  • Karina Yuri Harada Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Julieta Gonçalves Silva Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Simone Schenkman Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Eliana Tiemi Hayama Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Francisco Roberto Gonçalves Santos Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Mariângela Cainelli de Oliveira Prado Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Regina Helena Petroni Pontes Universidade Federal de São Paulo


Censuses, Health status indicators, Mortality, Public Health, Regional Health Planning


CONTEXT: The drawing up of adequate Public Health action planning to address the true needs of the population would increase the chances of effectiveness and decrease unnecessary expenses. OBJECTIVE: To identify homogeneous regions in the UNIFESP/EPM healthcare center (HCC) coverage area based on sociodemographic indicators and to relate them to causes of deaths in 1995. DESIGN: Secondary data analysis. SETTING: HCC coverage area; primary care. SAMPLE: Sociodemographic indicators were obtained from special tabulations of the Demographic Census of 1991. MAIN MEASURES: Proportion of children and elderly in the population; family providers’ education level (maximum: >15 years, minimum: <1 year) and income level (maximum: > 20 minimum wages, minimum: <1 minimum wage); proportional mortality distribution. RESULTS: The maximum income permitted the construction of four homogeneous regions, according to income ranking. Although the proportion of children and of elderly did not vary significantly among the regions, minimum income and education showed a statistically significant (p<0.05) difference between the first region (least affluent) and the others. A clear trend of increasing maximum education was observed across the regions. Mortality also differed in the first region, with deaths generated by possibly preventable infections. CONCLUSION: The inequalities observed may contribute to primary health prevention.


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Author Biographies

Karina Yuri Harada, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Centro de Saúde Escola, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, São Paulo, Brazil

Julieta Gonçalves Silva, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Centro de Saúde Escola, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, São Paulo, Brazil

Simone Schenkman, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Centro de Saúde Escola, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, São Paulo, Brazil

Eliana Tiemi Hayama, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Centro de Saúde Escola, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, São Paulo, Brazil

Francisco Roberto Gonçalves Santos, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Centro de Saúde Escola, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, São Paulo, Brazil

Mariângela Cainelli de Oliveira Prado, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Centro de Saúde Escola, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, São Paulo, Brazil

Regina Helena Petroni Pontes, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Centro de Saúde Escola, Departamento de Medicina Preventiva, São Paulo, Brazil


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How to Cite

Harada KY, Silva JG, Schenkman S, Hayama ET, Santos FRG, Prado MC de O, Pontes RHP. Delimitation of homogeneous regions in the UNIFESP/EPM healthcare center coverage area based on sociodemographic indicators. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 1999 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];117(1):25-33. Available from:



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