Soluble transferrin receptor and immature reticulocytes are not useful for distinguishing iron-deficiency anemia from heterozygous beta-thalassemia
Soluble, Transferrin, Receptor, Iron, Deficiency, Anemia, Heterozygous, Betathalassemia, ReticulocytesAbstract
Iron deficiency and heterozygous betathalassemia are important causes of hypochromic-microcytic anemia. Two laboratory parameters are suggested for the differentiation of such anemia. High-fluorescence reticulocyte counts and soluble transferrin receptor levels were determined in iron-deficiency anemia patients (n = 49) and heterozygous beta-thalassemia patients (n = 43). There was no significant difference in high-fluorescence reticulocyte and soluble transerrin receptor values between the two groups, but a correlation was observed between high fluorescence reticulocytes and soluble transferrin receptors in iron-deficiency anemia, probably due to increased receptor synthesis as a response to decreased iron content in erythrocytes.
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