Malignant melanoma with liver and spleen metastases
case report
Melanoma, Liver metastases, Spleen metastasesAbstract
CONTEXT: The diagnosis of primary melanoma is easily confirmed after histological analysis of the lesion, whereas it is rarely diagnosed when the patient even has distant metastases. DESIGN: Case report CASE REPORT: Malignant melanoma is responsible for about 1% of all deaths caused by cancer in the USA and only 3% of all malig-nant skin diseases. Malignant melanoma is a rare disease, although it corresponds to 65% of all deaths caused by skin cancer. The liver and spleen are rarely the first sites of melanoma metastases. This paper reports on the clinical picture of a patient with fatal malignant melanoma and hepatic and spleen metastases. As this was an un-usual presentation, the melanoma diagnosis could only be made after pathological analysis of the skin and hepatic lesions.
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