Multicentric pheochromocytoma and involvement of the inferior vena cava


  • Antonio Marmo Lucon Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo
  • Renato Falci Júnior Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo
  • José Nery Praxedes Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marcel Cerqueira Cesar Machado Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo
  • Luis Balthazar Saldanha Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marcelo Marcondes Machado Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo
  • Sami Arap Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo


Pheochromocytoma, Retroperitoneal neoplasia, Adrenal tumor, Adrenal surgery, Vena cava


CONTEXT: Extension of pheochromocytomas to the inferior vena cava is rare. Multicentric tumors are rare as well, being present in up to 10% of cases. Surgery is the treatment of choice because of the longterm survival free of disease. DESIGN: Case report. CASE REPORT: We report on a case of right adrenal pheochromocytoma with extension to the supra-diaphragmatic vena cava, which underwent surgical excision through thoracophrenic laparotomy without the need for cardiopulmonary bypass. In a 6-year follow-up, another pheochromocytoma was found in the infra-renal Zuckerkandl’s organ. Complete surgical excision of the tumor was performed by a median laparotomy and complete retroperitoneal dissection. In both cases, the total removal of the pheochromocytoma has been guaranteed by having margins free of tumor and a normal post-operative level of catecholamines. The pathological study revealed a malignant pheochromocytoma with margins free of neoplasia in both specimens.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Marmo Lucon, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo

MD, PhD. Associate Professor, Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Renato Falci Júnior, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo

MD. Resident in Urology, Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

José Nery Praxedes, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo

MD, PhD. Associate Professor, Department of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Marcel Cerqueira Cesar Machado, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo

MD, PhD. Associate Professor, Division of Gastroenterological Surgery, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Luis Balthazar Saldanha, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo

MD, PhD. Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Marcelo Marcondes Machado, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo

MD, PhD. Full Professor and Head, Department of Nephrology, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Sami Arap, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, Universidade de São Paulo

MD, PhD. Full Professor and Head, Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Lucon AM, Falci Júnior R, Praxedes JN, Machado MCC, Saldanha LB, Machado MM, Arap S. Multicentric pheochromocytoma and involvement of the inferior vena cava. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 2001 Mar. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];119(2):86-8. Available from:



Case Report