Mapping changes in women’s visual functions during the menstrual cycle
narrative review
Vision disorders, Menstrual cycle, Progesterone, Narrative review [publication type]Abstract
BACKGROUND: This article systematically updates the literature on changes in visual functions during the phases of the normal menstrual cycle in women. OBJECTIVES: To update Guttridge’s 1994 review of visual structures and functions associated with the menstrual cycle and broaden the search through psychophysical, neuroimaging and neurobehavioral measurements covering 1994-2020. DESIGN AND SETTING: Narrative review conducted in a neurosciences and behavior laboratory in Brazil. METHODS: The PubMed, Cochrane Clinical Answers and Google Scholar databases were searched. After screening and applying the eligibility criteria, 32 articles were examined. Through this analysis, the following information was extracted: (1) geographical distribution of the study; (2) sample size(according to age and phase of the menstrual cycle); (3) type of measurements according to psychophysical, neuroimaging and neurobehavioral instruments; (4) vision testing model; (5) visual ubcategory evaluated; (6) categories of processed visual stimuli; and (7) main findings. RESULTS: The menstrual phases give rise to significant changes in visual functions, including in relation to orientation and spatial attention, visual campimetry and visual sensitivity. These relate specifically to the follicular and luteal phases. CONCLUSIONS: These findings theoretically expand the effects of menstrual cycles on visual functions found by Guttridge (1994). Despite some inconsistencies in the studies analyzed, it was found that visual processing during the follicular and luteal phases of the normal menstrual cycle of healthy women can explain physiological, cognitive, behavioral and social modulations.
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