Assessment of functional capacity during gait using a reciprocal propulsion orthosis (ARGO)

a comparative study with a conventional mechanical orthosis


  • Rachel Muszkat Universidade de São Paulo
  • Paulo Yazbek Jr. Universidade de São Paulo
  • Claudia T. Arango Universidade de São Paulo
  • Maria Cecilia Moreira Universidade de São Paulo
  • lvani C. Trombetta Universidade de São Paulo
  • Linamara Rizzo Battistella Universidade de São Paulo


Spinal cord injury, Steeper advanced reciprocating gait orthosis, Conventional mechanical orthosis, spiroergometer, VO2max, anaerobic threshold


One subject (male, 24 years) with an incomplete motor and sensitive SCI, neurological level C6-C7 was submitted to a comparative study during gait using an advanced reciprocaiting gait othosis (ARGO) and a conventional mechanical orthosis (CMO) and respiratory and metabolic variables were compared at peak effort and in the second minute of recovery. We found that the ARGO, as with the CMO, not garantee gait independence but the ARGO does enable a more functional gait pattern with a more efficient ventilation . The ratio of CO2/O2 showed that ARGO enable aerobic conditions of work and the energy expenditure using is significantly lower than CMO.


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How to Cite

Muszkat R, Yazbek Jr. P, Arango CT, Moreira MC, Trombetta lvani C, Battistella LR. Assessment of functional capacity during gait using a reciprocal propulsion orthosis (ARGO): a comparative study with a conventional mechanical orthosis. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 1994 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];112(1):495-9. Available from:



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