Characterization of the first symptoms of multiple sclerosis in a Brazilian center
cross-sectional study
Multiple sclerosis, Academic medical centers, Symptom assessment, Illness behavior, Cranial nervesAbstract
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, immune-mediated and degenerative central nervous system (CNS) disease with well-established diagnostic criteria. Treatment can modify the course of the disease. The objective of this study was to describe the initial symptoms of multiple sclerosis in a Brazilian medical center. DESIGN AND SETTING: Descriptive study, conducted in a Brazilian reference center for multiple sclerosis treatment. METHODS: Data on 299 patients with confirmed diagnoses of MS were included in the study. Their medical files were evaluated and the data were analyzed. RESULTS: The most common symptom involved the cranial nerves (50.83%) and unifocal manifestation was presented by the majority of this population (73.91%). The mean time between the first symptom and the diagnosis was 2.84 years. Unifocal symptoms correlated with longer time taken to establish the diagnosis, with an average of 3.20 years, while for multifocal symptoms the average time taken for the diagnosis was 1.85 years. Unifocal onset was related to greater diagnostic difficulty. CONCLUSIONS: MS is a heterogeneous disease and its initial clinical manifestation is very variable.
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