Cross-cultural adaptation and content validation of START
Elderly, Pharmaceutical preparations, Drug prescriptions, Health of the elderly, Drug utilization, TranslationsAbstract
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Non-treatment of diseases or clinical conditions has been considered to con- stitute omission of care in several countries. The aim of the present study was to develop a transcultural adaptation of the Screening Tool to Alert Doctors to the Right Treatment (START) to Brazilian Portuguese and to validate the tool’s content. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cultural adaptation and validation of the START criteria using the Delphi consen- sus technique. METHOD: START was translated from its original language into Brazilian Portuguese, followed by back- translation and validation by means of the modified Delphi technique. For this, an electronic form was de- veloped and sent to 20 experts, who were asked to use a Likert scale to assess the statements included in START, in relation to their pertinence to Brazilian realities. All of the statements that exhibited mean scores greater than 4.0 were considered to have attained consensus. The experts’ identities were kept confidential throughout the validation process. RESULTS: In the first phase of the validation process, 63.6% (14/22) of the statements in START attained consensus. The remaining statements were returned to the experts so that they could have the opportu- nity to review their comments and statements and to assess them again, based on the Likert scale used earlier. In this phase, 100% of the START instrument attained consensus. CONCLUSION: The content of START was entirely validated for Brazil, with all of the original criteria maintained.
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