Application of Osteorisk to postmenopausal patients with osteoporosis


  • Marcelo Luis Steiner Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
  • César Eduardo Fernandes Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
  • Rodolfo Strufaldi Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
  • Everaldo Cunha Porto Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
  • Luciano de Melo Pompei Faculdade de Medicina do ABC
  • Sérgio Peixoto Faculdade de Medicina do ABC


Bone mineral density, Densitometry, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Risk factors


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Identification of women at risk of bone fracture is becoming less dependent on evaluating bone mineral density through placing greater value on clinical risk factors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensitivity of the Osteorisk clinical tool for identifying Brazilian postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, compared with bone densitometry. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional observational study at Faculdade de Medicina do ABC. Method: Information on 812 postmenopausal osteoporotic women was retrospectively evaluated from medical records. The women were divided into the age groups 50-59, 60-69, 70-79 and over 80 years. The results from the Osteorisk clinical tool, which uses only age and weight, were compared with bone densitometry T-scores. Results: There were significant correlations between the results from the Osteorisk clinical tool and from bone densitometry, in relation to the lumbar spine (P = 0.027) and hip (P < 0.001), thus showing a non-arbitrary relationship. The overall sensitivity of Osteorisk for identifying women with “high risk of osteoporosis” was 86.5%, and it was higher for hip osteoporosis alone (97.2%) than for lumbar spine osteoporosis (85.8%). The sensitivity was better among older women. Conclusion: Osteorisk seems to present good sensitivity for identifying postmenopausal women at risk of osteoporosis. It should be used when bone densitometry is not easily available or as a means of selecting individuals for referral for bone densitometry.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Luis Steiner, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC

MD. Assistant lecturer, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.

César Eduardo Fernandes, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC

MD, MSc, PhD. Head of the Endocrine Gynecology and Climacterium Sector, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Rodolfo Strufaldi, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC

MD. Assistant lecturer, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Everaldo Cunha Porto, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC

MD. Attending physician, Gynecology and Climacterium Sector, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Luciano de Melo Pompei, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC

MD, MSc. Attending physician, Endocrine Gynecology and Climacterium Sector, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Sérgio Peixoto, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC

MD, MSc, PhD. Titular professor, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Faculdade Medicina do ABC (FMABC), São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Steiner ML, Fernandes CE, Strufaldi R, Porto EC, Pompei L de M, Peixoto S. Application of Osteorisk to postmenopausal patients with osteoporosis. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 2010 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];128(1):24-9. Available from:



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