Variations in white blood count, thromboxane B2 levels and hematocrit in chronic venous hypertension
Venous ulcers, Venous insufficiency, White blood count, Thromboxane B2Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To analyze variations in leukocyte count and thromboxane B2 production in the femoral vein of patients with chronic venous hypertension (CVH). DESIGN: Prospective clinical study, controlled, non randomized and open. LOCATION: Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, referral center, university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: 15 patients with recurring stasis ulcer were analyzed, selected randomly from the venous diseases outpatient center, and 4 without lower limb venous alterations were also analyzed. INTERVENTION: Blood samples from the femoral and brachial veins were drawn following supine and 45º reverse Trendelenburg. MAIN OUTCOMES MEASURES: Direct leukocyte count and analysis of the thomboxane B2 with enzyme linked immunosorbent assay test. RESULTS: After 30 minutes in reverse Trendelenburg, patients with CVH showed a leukocyte count reduced by ±27% (p=0.02) and thromboxane B2 levels increased by ±158% (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: We suggest that future studies of medications for stasis ulcers include their effects on leukocyte entrapment and thromboxane B2 production in the lower limb venous system.
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