Translation and cultural adaptation of the revised foot function index for the Portuguese language
FFI-R Brazil
Foot, Translations, Surveys and questionnaires, Outcome assessment (health care)Abstract
BACKGROUND: The revised foot function index (FFI-R) is used to evaluate the functionality of patients with conditions that affect the feet. The objective here was to produce the Brazilian portuguese version of this index. DESIGN AND SETTING: Translation and validation study conducted at the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: The translation and cultural adaptation process involved translation by two independent translators, analysis by an expert committee, back translation into the original language, analysis by the expert committee again and a pretest. The Portuguese-language version was administered to 35 individuals with plantar fasciitis and metatarsalgia to determine their level of understanding of the assessment tool. RESULTS: Changes were made to the terms and expressions of some original items to achieve cultural equivalence. Terms not understood by more than 10% of the sample were altered based on the suggestions of the patients themselves. CONCLUSION: The translation and cultural adaptation of the FFI-R for the Portuguese language were completed and the Brazilian version was obtained.
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