Adaptation to prostheses among patients with major lower-limb amputations and its association with sociodemographic and clinical data


  • Marco Antonio Nunes Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Ivo Campos-Neto Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Leonardo Costa Ferraz Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Camilla Andrade Lima Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Tâmara Oliviera Rocha Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Thaisa Fátima Rocha Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Amputation, Lower extremity, Prosthesis fitting, Primary health care, Health surveys


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Lower-limb amputation compromises patients’ independence and autonomy, and therefore they should be referred for rehabilitation in order to adapt to prostheses and regain autonomy. The aim here was to assess adaptation to prostheses among patients with major lower-limb amputations and its association with sociodemographic and clinical data. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional study in the city of Aracaju, Brazil. METHODS: The patients were identified by primary healthcare teams. The inclusion criterion was that these should be patients who underwent major lower-limb amputations of any etiology. Associations between sociodemographic and clinical variables and the adaptation to lower-limb prostheses were assessed. RESULTS: 149 patients were examined. Adaptation to the prosthesis occurred in 40% (60/149) of them, but only 62% (37/60) were using it. Adaptation occurred more often among male patients (P = 0.017) and among those who had a higher educational level (P = 0.013), with a longer time since amputation (P = 0.049) and when the etiology was trauma (P = 0.003). The result from logistic regression analysis showed that only patients with low education (P = 0.031) were significantly associated with a lower frequency of adaptation to prostheses. CONCLUSION: It was found that patients with a low educational level became adapted to the prosthesis less frequently.


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Author Biographies

Marco Antonio Nunes, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

PhD. Adjunct Professor and Head of Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.

Ivo Campos-Neto, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

MD. Researcher and Student in the Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.

Leonardo Costa Ferraz, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

MD. Researcher and Student in the Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.

Camilla Andrade Lima, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

MD. Researcher and Student in the Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.

Tâmara Oliviera Rocha, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

MD. Researcher and Student in the Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.

Thaisa Fátima Rocha, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

MD. Researcher and Student in the Department of Medicine, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), Aracaju, Sergipe, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Nunes MA, Campos-Neto I, Ferraz LC, Lima CA, Rocha TO, Rocha TF. Adaptation to prostheses among patients with major lower-limb amputations and its association with sociodemographic and clinical data. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 2014 Apr. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 15];132(2):80-4. Available from:



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