Post-transplant anemia and associated risk factors
the impact of steroid-free therapy
Anemia, Kidney transplantation, Steroids, Risk, Therapy [subheading]Abstract
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: The prevalence of post-renal transplant anemia (PTA) reported in the literature is variable and several factors contribute towards its pathophysiology. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of PTA, its associated risk factors and the impact of therapy without steroids. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective cohort study in a renal transplantation unit at a tertiary hospital. METHODS: Anemia was defined as hemoglobin (Hb) < 12 g/dl in female adult recipients and < 13 g/dl in males. Donor and recipient age and gender, type of donor, creatinine, delayed graft function, acute rejection, use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) and therapy without steroids were investigated as risk factors for PTA through multivariate logistical regression analysis. RESULTS: Evaluations were performed on 258 recipients (mean age: 38.8 years; 60.5% males; 35.7% did not receive steroids). Anemia was diagnosed in 38% of the patients (at the sixth month, M6), 28% (M12), 32% (M24) and 45% (at last follow up). Donor age > 50 years was associated with greater risks of PTA at M6 (odds ratio (OR) = 4.68) and M24 (OR = 6.57), as well as with therapy without steroids at M6 (OR = 2.96). Delayed graft function was independently associated with PTA at M6 (OR = 3.66) and M12 (OR = 2.85). CONCLUSION: The lowest prevalence of PTA was observed between M9 and M24 after renal transplantation. Delayed graft function, donor age and therapy without steroids were the most important factors associated with PTA.
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