Stercoral perforation of the normal colon: report of five cases


  • Nadko Velitchkov Surgery Military Medical Academy
  • Julian Losanoff Surgery Military Medical Academy
  • Kirien Kjossev Surgery Military Medical Academy
  • Georgi Grigorov Surgery Military Medical Academy
  • Meglena Vezdarova Surgery Military Medical Academy
  • Gueno Kirov Surgery Military Medical Academy


Stercoral perforation, colon, peritonitis, resection, colectomy, diversion, scybala, intraoperative ortho grade colonic lavage, algorithm


A series of five consecutive patients with stercoral perforation of the colon is presented. Four of the patients had free perforation and one had an abscess between the splenic flexure, spleen and surrounding organs, a yet unreported entity. All patients underwent emergency surgery including Iaparostomy with repeated explorations and lavages in two of them. The ethiology, pathophysiology and treatment of the condition are updated. A graphic algorithm for decision-making in appropriately dealing with stercoral perforation of the colon is proposed.


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Author Biographies

Nadko Velitchkov, Surgery Military Medical Academy

Surgery Military Medical Academy, Department of Emergency, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Julian Losanoff, Surgery Military Medical Academy

Surgery Military Medical Academy, Department of Emergency, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Kirien Kjossev, Surgery Military Medical Academy

Surgery Military Medical Academy, Department of Emergency, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Georgi Grigorov, Surgery Military Medical Academy

Surgery Military Medical Academy, Department of Emergency, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Meglena Vezdarova, Surgery Military Medical Academy

Surgery Military Medical Academy, Department of Emergency, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Gueno Kirov, Surgery Military Medical Academy

Surgery Military Medical Academy, Department of Emergency, Sofia, Bulgaria.


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How to Cite

Velitchkov N, Losanoff J, Kjossev K, Grigorov G, Vezdarova M, Kirov G. Stercoral perforation of the normal colon: report of five cases. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 1996 Nov. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];114(6):1317-23. Available from:



Case Report