Prevalence of burnout and predictive factors among oncology nursing professionals
a cross-sectional study
Burnout, professional, Neoplasms, Occupational health, Oncology nursing, Personality, Occupational diseasesAbstract
BACKGROUND: Burnout is a syndrome that mostly affects professionals working in contact with patients and their caregivers. In oncology care, nursing professionals are constantly required to provide emotional support for patients and their caregivers, throughout the process of becoming ill, suffering and dying. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence and factors associated with burnout in a sample of nursing professionals at a cancer hospital. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study conducted at Hospital de Câncer de Barretos. METHODS: The study population comprised 655 nursing professionals. Burnout syndrome was assessed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Service Survey. Univariate analysis and binary logistic regression models were used to identify independent predictors associated with burnout. RESULTS: Among 304 nursing professionals included in the study, 27 (8.9%) were classified as presenting burnout according to the two-dimensional criteria, and four (1.3%) were classified based on the three-dimensional criteria. Workplace characteristics were not associated with burnout, while single marital status (odds ratio, OR = 2.695; P = 0.037), perceived workplace stressors, such as impatience with colleagues (OR = 3.996; P = 0.007) and melancholy (OR = 2.840; P = 0.021) were considered to be predictors of burnout. Nursing professionals who would choose the profession again (OR = 0.214; P = 0.001) were least likely to present burnout. CONCLUSION: Perceived workplace stressors are strongly associated with burnout. Strategies focusing on restructuring of daily work processes and on activities that stimulate positive relationships are important for professionals’ health because motivation to continue working in oncology nursing has a protective effect against burnout.
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