Influence of foot pain on frailty symptoms in an elderly population

a case-control study



Frail elderly, Aged, Surveys and questionnaire, Foot deformities, Foot diseases


BACKGROUND: Frailty is a condition that can increase the risk of falls. In addition, foot disorders can negatively influence elderly people, thus affecting their condition of frailty. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether foot pain can influence a greater degree of frailty. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at the University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. METHODS: A sample older than 60 years (n = 52), including 26 healthy subjects and 26 foot pain patients, was recruited. Frailty disability was measured using the 5-Frailty scale and the Edmonton Frailty scale (EFS). RESULTS: There were statistically significant differences in the total EFS score and in most of its subscales, according to the Mann-Whitney U test (P < 0.05). In addition, foot pain patients presented worse scores (higher 5-Frailty scores) than did healthy patients, regarding matched-paired subjects (lower EFS scores). With regard to the rest of the measurements, there were no statistically significant differences (P > 0.05). The highest scores (P < 0.001) were for fatigue on the 5-Frailty scale and the EFS, and for the subscale of independence function in EFS. CONCLUSIONS: These elderly patients presented impairment relating to ambulation and total 5-Frailty score, which seemed to be linked to the presence of frailty syndrome and foot disorders.


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Author Biographies

Emmanuel Navarro-Flores, University of Valencia

MSc, PhD, DPM. Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Podiatry, University of Valencia; and Frailty Research Organized Group (FROG), University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.

Ricardo Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo, University of Valencia

RN, BSc, MLIS, DPM, DHL, PhD. Full Professor, Department of Physiotherapy and Podiatry, School of Nursing, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

César Calvo-Lobo, University of Valencia

PT, MSc, PhD. Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy and Podiatry, School of Nursing, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.

Marta Elena Losa-Iglesias, University of Valencia

RN, MSc, PhD, DPM. Full Professor, Department of Nursing and Stomatology, School of Health Sciences, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain

Patricia Palomo-López, University of Valencia

MSc, PhD, DPM. Senior Lecturer, Department of Nursing, University Center of Plasencia, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain

Victoria Mazoteras-Pardo, University of Valencia

RN, MSc, PhD. Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, School of Physiotherapy and Nursing, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain.

Carlos Romero-Morales, University of Valencia

PT, MSc, PhD. Senior Lecturer, Department of Sport Sciences, School of Sport Sciences, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid, Spain.

Daniel López-López, University of Valencia

MSc, PhD, DPM. Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Health and Podiatry Group, Department of Health Sciences, School of Nursing and Podiatry, Universidade da Coruña, Ferrol, Spain


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How to Cite

Navarro-Flores E, Becerro-de-Bengoa-Vallejo R, Calvo-Lobo C, Losa-Iglesias ME, Palomo-López P, Mazoteras-Pardo V, Romero-Morales C, López-López D. Influence of foot pain on frailty symptoms in an elderly population: a case-control study. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 2021 Jul. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];139(4):319-24. Available from:



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