Prostate examination among adult and elderly subjects in southern Brazil
a cross-sectional population-based study
Prostate, Epidemiology, Prostate-specific antigen, Digital rectal examination, Men’s healthResumo
BACKGROUND: Population-wide screening for prostate cancer remains a controversial topic, given the need for an individualized approach to patients regarding the risks and benefits of prostate-specific antigen testing and digital rectal examination. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of, and factors associated with, prostate examination among men aged 45 or older. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional population-based study developed in the city of Rio Grande (RS), Brazil. METHODS: The outcome of interest was a history of prostate examination (prostate-specific antigen testing or digital rectal examination). The following independent variables were analyzed: age group, skin color, marital status, schooling, economic level, leisure-time physical activity, smoking habits, excessive alcohol consumption, overweight, health insurance, visits to the doctor during the preceding year, hypertension and diabetes. After a two-stage sampling process, the final sample consisted of 281 male individuals. RESULTS: The prevalence of a history of prostate-specific antigen testing or digital rectal examination was 68.3% (95% confidence interval (CI): 62.2 to 74.5). The highest prevalence rates were observed among men aged 70 years or older (88%) and the lowest among smokers (36%). The following characteristics were found to be associated with the outcome: advanced age; marital status other than single; more schooling and higher economic status; practicing physical activity; non-smoking habits; overweight; having health insurance; and having visited a doctor during the preceding year. CONCLUSION: Approximately two thirds of the study population had been screened for prostate examination, mostly older individuals, with higher socioeconomic status and a healthier lifestyle.
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