Trauma to arteries of the forearm


  • Nelson Wolosker Universidade de São Paulo
  • Paulo Celso Motta Guimarães Universidade de São Paulo
  • Alvaro Gaudëncio Universidade de São Paulo
  • Sérgio Kuzniec Universidade de São Paulo
  • Marcel Scheinman Universidade de São Paulo
  • Ricardo Aun Universidade de São Paulo
  • Berilo Langer Universidade de São Paulo


Ulnar artery, radial artery, vascular surgery, wounds and injuries, trauma


Trauma to arteries of the forearm corresponds to 20% of total arterial trauma. The authors analyzed 24 patients with non iatrogenic trauma of the forearm arteries, cared for from January 1987 to December 1990. All patients were male, trauma by penetrating instrument was the most frequent, with 21 cases (87.5%), absence of pulses was the most frequent clinical manifestation (62.5%), fifteen patients did not present ischemic manifestations (54.2%) and half of the patients did not exhibit neurological symptoms. Injury to only one artery was found in 11 cases, five of them in the radial artery (20.8%), five in the ulnar artery (20.8%) and one in the interosseous artery (4.2%). Concurrent injury to the radial and ulnar arteries was found in 13 cases (54.1%). Regarding nervous impairment, injury to the radial nerve was found in four cases (16.6%) and of the median and ulnar nerves, one case in each (4.1%). All patients with concurrent injury to the ulnar and radial arteries (13) were submitted to arterial restoration. The 11 patients with injury to a sole artery of the forearm were managed as follows: ligature of the interosseous artery in one case, ligature of the radial artery in four cases, raphe of the radial artery in one case, ligature of the ulnar artery in three cases, restoration of the ulnar artery using a segment of the v. saphena in the two cases in which the Allen test had been positive. One patient died in the immediate postoperative period as a result of multiple organ failure due to polytraumatism. Preservation of the member was attained in 23 patients (95.8%) and the sole amputation, was due to extensive traumatism of the soft tissues with severe infection and systemic impairment.


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How to Cite

Wolosker N, Guimarães PCM, Gaudëncio A, Kuzniec S, Scheinman M, Aun R, Langer B. Trauma to arteries of the forearm. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 1994 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];112(1):485-8. Available from:



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