Action of the 4-Nitro-2-Phenoximethanesulphonanilide (Nimesulide) on Neutrophil Chemotaxis and Superoxide Production
neutrophil, superoxide, chemotaxis, 4-nitro-2-phenoximethanesulphonanilideAbstract
4-nitro-2-phenoximethanesulphonanilide (nimesulide) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent that has been employed in the treatment of inflammatory diseases because of its specific actions on the inflammatory response mechanisms caused by injury. The objectives of this paper were to determine the action of this agent on two notable neutrophil functions, chemotaxis and production of the superoxide anion. These two functions were studied after the neutrophils were pre-incubated with three different concentrations of 4-nitro-2-phenoximethanesulphonanilide (0.1; 0.3 and 0.5 mN). The results obtained herein demonstrated that 4-nitro-2-phenoximethanesulphonanilide-exposed peripheral blood neutrophils from healthy subjects produced significantly less superoxide when challenged by phorbol-mirystate acetate (PMA at 50 ng/ml) or formy-methionil-leucyl-phenilalanine (FMLP 10 -7 M) and opsonizided zymozan (1 mg/ml). Additionally, the agent was equally effective in reducing the PMN chemotoaxis when challenged by C5a factor (2% zimozan activated solution), FMLP 10 -9 M and leukotrien (3. 10 -7 M). The results obtained suggest that in addition to its interference in the metabolism of the aracdonic acid, the 4-nitro-2 phenoximethanesulphonanilide may interfere in a more direct fashion with the neutrophil function. This specific action may contribute to its anti-inflammatory activity.
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