The Brazilian version of the Hip Sports Activity Scale
translation and cross-cultural adaptation
Surveys and questionnaires, Femoroacetabular impingement, Sports, Translations, Hip injuries, ExerciseAbstract
BACKGROUND: The Hip Sports Activity Scale (HSAS) is a reliable and valid tool for determining the levels of sports activities among patients with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). OBJECTIVE: To translate and cross-culturally adapt the HSAS to the Brazilian Portuguese language. DESIGN AND SETTING: This was a cross-sectional study conducted at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. METHODS: The Brazilian version of the HSAS was developed following a process that comprised six steps: translation, synthesis, back-translation, review by committee, pretesting and submission of documentation to the developers. The translation phase involved three independent bilingual translators whose mother language was Brazilian Portuguese. The back-translation phase involved three ndependent translators whose mother language was English. In order to verify comprehension of the questionnaire, 30 undergraduate students in physical education (65% men), with mean age 23.2 years (standard deviation = 6.8), participated in the pre-testing phase. RESULTS: During the translation step, some terms and expressions were changed to obtain cultural equivalence to the original HSAS. In the pre-testing phase, each item of the scale showed a comprehension level of 100%. CONCLUSION: The HSAS was translated from English to the Brazilian Portuguese language and adapted to Brazilian culture. The HSAS validation is ongoing.
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