Syndrome of duodenal compression by the superior mesenteric artery following restorative proctocolectomy
a case report and review of literature
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome, Duodenal obstruction, Superior mesenteric artery, Restorative proctocolectomyResumo
CONTEXT: Resloralive proctocolectomy with anastomosis oi an ileal pouch to lhe anal canal is a new and rare cause for triggering the syndrome oi duodenal compression bythe superior mesenteric artery. Restorative proctocolectomy requires assessmenl oi lhe posilion oi lhe duodenum in relation to aortomesenteric constriction to avoid the occurrence oi duodenal compression by the superior mesenleric arlery. CASE REPORT: lhe authors repari on a case oi this syndrome in a patient with Iam ilial adenomatous polyposis and review lhe I ileralure on the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevenlion oi this unusual entity.
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Matheus C de O, Waisberg J, Zewer MH de T, Godoy AC de. Syndrome of duodenal compression by the superior mesenteric artery following restorative proctocolectomy: a case report and review of literature. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 5º de maio de 2005 [citado 12º de março de 2025];123(3):151-3. Disponível em:
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