Venous sinus thrombosis during COVID-19 infection in pregnancy

a case report



COVID-19 [supplementary concept], Pregnancy, Headache, Female


BACKGROUND: Although it is known that the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), which was first seen in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and has affected the whole world, mainly targets the respiratory tract, cases of this disease with a wide clinical spectrum are emerging as information is shared. CASE REPORT: We present the case of a pregnant woman who was diagnosed with venous sinus thrombosis after she developed headache and hemiparesis. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) positivity lasted for two weeks after COVID-19 had been diagnosed. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with suspected COVID-19, especially in the presence of causes of hypercoagulability and presence of atypical features, venous sinus thrombosis needs to be kept in mind in making the differential diagnosis.


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Biografia do Autor

Zahide Betül Gunduz, University of Health Sciences, Konya Education and Research Hospital

MD, PhD. Neurologist and Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Health Sciences, Konya Education and Research Hospital, Konya, Turkey.


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Como Citar

Gunduz ZB. Venous sinus thrombosis during COVID-19 infection in pregnancy: a case report. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 11º de abril de 2021 [citado 10º de março de 2025];139(2):190-5. Disponível em:



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