Autonomic dysfunction is common in liver cirrhosis and is associated with cardiac dysfunction and mortality
prospective observational study
Liver cirrhosis, Heart rate, Mortality, Heart diseasesResumo
BACKGROUND: Although autonomic dysfunction has been shown to be associated with liver cirrhosis, the prevalence and prognostic implications are unclear. Abnormal heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of autonomic function, has not been well investigated in cirrhosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of high-risk HRV parameters in a cohort of cirrhotic patients and their association with cardiac dysfunction and mortality. DESIGN AND SETTING: Prospective observational study conducted in the Federal University of São Paulo. METHOD: A cohort of 120 patients, comprising 17 healthy controls and 103 cirrhotic outpatients, was evaluated and followed for 10 months. HRV analysis was based on 24-hour Holter monitoring and defined using time-domain and frequency-domain parameters. RESULTS: The HRV parameters were statistically lower in cirrhotic patients than in healthy subjects. Highrisk HRV parameters were prevalent, such that 64% had at least one high-risk parameter. Time-domain parameters correlated with Child scores (P < 0.0001). In regression models, HRV parameters were independent predictors of diastolic dysfunction and mortality. During 10 months of follow-up, there were 11 deaths, all of patients with at least one high-risk HRV parameter. Kaplan-Meier analysis estimated low survival rates among patients with standard deviation of normal-to-normal RR intervals (SDNN) < 100. CONCLUSION: Reduced HRV is prevalent in liver cirrhosis and is related to cardiac dysfunction, severity of liver disease and mortality. Abnormal high-risk HRV parameters are prevalent among cirrhotic patients and are also predictors of mortality. Our findings highlight the need for a more careful cardiac evaluation of cirrhotic patients.
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