Improving the transparency and integrity of scientific reports on health. New instructions for authors!



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Biografia do Autor

Álvaro Nagib Atallah, Cochrane Brazil

MD, PhD. Full Professor and Head of the Discipline of Emergency Medicine and Evidence-Based Medicine, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), and Director of Cochrane Brazil, São Paulo (SP), Brazil.

Patrícia Logullo, University of Oxford

BSc, MSc, PhD. Researcher at the EQUATOR Network, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.


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Como Citar

Atallah Álvaro N, Logullo P. Improving the transparency and integrity of scientific reports on health. New instructions for authors!. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 7º de fevereiro de 2019 [citado 14º de março de 2025];137(1):1-2. Disponível em:


