Evaluation of knowledge and attitudes among intensive care physicians during the COVID-19 pandemic
a cross- sectional survey
COVID-19 [supplementary concept], Intensive care units, Pandemics, Airway management, Healthcare surveys, AnesthesiologyResumo
BACKGROUND: The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) emerged in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the knowledge of intensive care physicians in Turkey about COVID-19 and their attitudes towards the strategies and application methods to be used for COVID-19 cases that need to be followed up in an intensive care unit, and to raise awareness about this issue. DESIGN AND SETTING: The population for this descriptive study comprised clinicians working in a variety of healthcare organizations in Turkey who provide monitoring and treatment within the intensive care process for COVID-19 patients. METHODS: Data were collected online using a survey form on the SurveyMonkey website between April 20 and April 25, 2020. RESULTS: The mean age of the 248 intensive care clinicians participating in the study was 37.2 ± 13.7 years and 49.19% were female. High rates of classical laryngoscope use were observed, especially among clinicians employed in state hospitals. Among all the participants, 54.8% stated that they were undecided about corticosteroid treatment for patients who had been intubated due to COVID-19. CONCLUSIONS: Many medications and methods are used for COVID-19 treatment. All national science committees are attempting to create standard treatment protocols. For intensive care treatment of COVID-19 patients, many factors require management, and clinicians’ experience is guiding future processes. We believe that this study will create awareness about this topic and contribute to the creation of standard treatment algorithms and the provision of better and safer healthcare services for this patient group.
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