Prevalence of arterial hypertension in Brazilian adults and its associated factors and activity limitations
a cross-sectional study
Hypertension, Blood pressure, Risk factors, Socioeconomic factorsResumo
BACKGROUND: Hypertension is a serious global public health problem that affects a large part of the Brazilian adult population and can cause limitations and losses of quality of life. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyze the association of hypertension and its correlated limitations, with sociodemographic and epidemiological factors. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study analyzing information on 44,271 adults (30 years or older) from the Brazilian National Health Survey of 2013. METHODS: The prevalence of hypertension and the degree of limitation of the patients’ activities associ-ated with hypertension, according to sociodemographic characteristics, anthropometric measurements and lifestyles, were calculated for both sexes. To analyze the strength of association, bivariate and multivar-iate Poisson regression were used. RESULTS: Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor among Brazilian adults aged 30 years or old-er (40.7%). It was strongly associated with the aging process (prevalence ratio, PR 3.51), obesity (PR 1.73), heart disease (PR 1.67) and stroke (PR 1.86). Furthermore, limitations associated with hypertension were more prevalent among those with comorbidities from noncommunicable diseases relating to hypertension complications (stroke PR 1.47; heart disease PR 1.69) and with incomplete elementary education (PR 1.19). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed sociodemographic inequality in the prevalence of hypertension, es-pecially in the population with some degree of limitation associated with hypertension. It showed that improvements in access to primary care services for controlling hypertension at its initial stages are essen-tial in order to avoid comorbidities of greater severity and limitations and losses of quality of life, especially among socially disadvantaged people.
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