Analysis of heparanase isoforms and cathepsin B in the plasma of patients with gastrointestinal carcinomas

analytical cross-sectional study


  • Carina Mucciolo Melo Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Clarice Silvia Taemi Origassa Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Thérèse Rachell Theodoro Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)
  • Leandro Luongo Matos Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)
  • Thaís Aguilar Miranda Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Camila Melo Accardo Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Rodrigo Ippolito Bouças Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Eloah Rabello Suarez Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Madalena Maria Nunes Silva Pares Associação Beneficente de Coleta de Sangue (Colsan)
  • Daniel Reis Waisberg Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
  • Giovanna Canato Toloi Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)
  • Helena Bonciani Nader Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)
  • Jaques Waisberg Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)
  • Maria Aparecida Silva Pinhal Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)


Glucuronidase, Cathepsin B, Tumor markers, biological, Carcinoma, Plasma


CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Heparanase-1 degrades heparan sulfate and has been correlated with tumor progression. Although the isoform heparanase-2 has no catalytic activity, it seems to be important for modulating heparanase-1 activity. Cathepsin B is a proteinase involved in tumor metastasis. The aim of this study was to analyze heparanase isoform expression and cathepsin B activity in plasma samples from patients with gastrointestinal carcinomas, compared with healthy individuals (control group). DESIGN AND SETTING: This was an analytical cross-sectional study. Peripheral blood samples were col-lected at a Brazilian public hospital, from 21 patients with histopathological diagnoses of gastrointestinal carcinomas and from 43 healthy individuals. The analyses were performed in two Brazilian medical schools. METHODS: Heparanase isoforms were identified and quantified in plasma samples by means of Western blot. The enzymatic activities of heparanase-1 and cathepsin B were also measured. RESULTS: The results demonstrated that the expression of both heparanase isoforms was significantly greater in plasma samples from gastrointestinal carcinoma patients, compared with the control group. Logistic regression analysis showed that increased heparanase-1 and heparanase-2 expression was exclu-sively dependent on the tumor. There was a significant increase in heparanase-1 and cathepsin B activity in the patients’ plasma. CONCLUSION: Overexpression of heparanase-1 and heparanase-2, along with increased heparanase-1 and cathepsin B activity in plasma, is associated with the diagnosis of gastrointestinal carcinoma. These findings provide support for using non-invasive assays (plasma samples) as an auxiliary method for diag-nosing gastrointestinal tumors.


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Author Biographies

Carina Mucciolo Melo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

MSc. Doctoral Student, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, Brazil.

Clarice Silvia Taemi Origassa, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

MSc. Doctoral Student, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, Brazil.

Thérèse Rachell Theodoro, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)

MSc. Doctoral Student, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil.

Leandro Luongo Matos, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)

MD, PhD. Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil.

Thaís Aguilar Miranda, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

MSc. Research Collaborator, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, Brazil.

Camila Melo Accardo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

PhD. Postdoctoral Student, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp),  São Paulo, Brazil.

Rodrigo Ippolito Bouças, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

PhD. Research Collaborator, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, Brazil.

Eloah Rabello Suarez, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

PhD. Postdoctoral Student, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, Brazil.

Madalena Maria Nunes Silva Pares, Associação Beneficente de Coleta de Sangue (Colsan)

PhD. Research Collaborator, Associação Beneficente de Coleta de Sangue (Colsan), São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Daniel Reis Waisberg, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

MD. Attending Physician. Surgery Department, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, Brazil.

Giovanna Canato Toloi, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)

Medical Student. Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil.

Helena Bonciani Nader, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp)

PhD. Titular Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp), São Paulo, Brazil.

Jaques Waisberg, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)

MD, PhD. Adjunct Professor, Department of Surgery, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil.

Maria Aparecida Silva Pinhal, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC)

PhD. Titular Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Faculdade de Medicina do ABC (FMABC), Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Melo CM, Origassa CST, Theodoro TR, Matos LL, Miranda TA, Accardo CM, Bouças RI, Suarez ER, Pares MMNS, Waisberg DR, Toloi GC, Nader HB, Waisberg J, Pinhal MAS. Analysis of heparanase isoforms and cathepsin B in the plasma of patients with gastrointestinal carcinomas: analytical cross-sectional study. Sao Paulo Med J [Internet]. 2015 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];133(1):28-35. Available from:



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